Erschaffe eine meditative und entspannende Atmosphäre mit Wandbildern

Create a meditative and relaxing atmosphere with murals

Learn how to use murals to create a meditative and relaxing atmosphere in your home. Discover the best motifs, colors and placements to create a calm and harmonious environment.

Welcome to our blog post where we show you how you can use wall art to create a meditative and relaxing atmosphere in your home. In the hectic world we live in, it is important to have a retreat of peace and serenity. Murals can play a crucial role in creating a harmonious environment and a place of relaxation. We would like to give you some valuable tips and inspiration on how you can achieve this goal.

Choosing the right motifs

  • The meaning of nature motifs: Nature motifs touch our soul and give us peace and relaxation. The sight of green forests, blooming flowers or rushing ocean waves can reduce stress, increase our well-being and help us find our inner balance.
  • Abstract Art: Abstract art creates a meditative atmosphere in which viewers find peace and relaxation. Colors, shapes and lines create a calming atmosphere that invites you to immerse yourself in a meditative state. Abstract art allows you to calm the mind, let go of thoughts and dwell in the here and now.
  • Symbolism and Spirituality: Symbolism and spirituality play a central role in creating a meditative mood. Symbols represent deeper meanings and invite us to inner reflection. Symbolism and spirituality create an atmosphere of calm and make it possible to achieve a state of inner contemplation.

Color design for relaxation

  • Soothing shades: Soft blues and greens, delicate pastel colors or warm earth tones help calm the mind and create an atmosphere of relaxation. Soothing colors invite you to immerse yourself in a state of inner peace and let go of everyday stress.
  • The power of pastel tones: Pastel tones have a gentle and calming aura that is ideal for creating a meditative mood. Soft colors such as pink, light blue or lilac have a relaxing effect on the eye and help calm the mind. Pastel tones create an atmosphere of lightness and serenity.
  • Color psychology: Warm colors like orange and gold radiate warmth and security and promote a feeling of grounding. Cool colors like blue and green have a calming effect on the nervous system and help relax the mind. Neutral colors such as white and beige create an atmosphere of clarity and purity. The conscious selection of colors can help us achieve a state of inner peace and serenity.

Blog canvas placement and arrangement

Placement and arrangement

  • Focus on minimalism: The minimalist placement of murals creates a harmonious balance between emptiness and space. The empty walls allow us to calm our minds and experience inner space. By consciously selecting a few murals, a space of silence and contemplation is created.
  • Centering and Alignment: The orientation of murals can have a noticeable impact on our perception and mood. A vertical orientation of the images stretches the space and creates an upright and energetic atmosphere. A horizontal orientation, on the other hand, creates a calm and relaxed atmosphere. By arranging the images centered and aligned, a harmonious balance is created in the room.
  • The power of symmetry: The symmetrical arrangement of murals has a strong effect on our perception and our mood. It creates an atmosphere of inner harmony and balance. The clear and balanced arrangement creates a feeling of harmony and visual order.

Lighting and background

  • Soft Light: Illumination of murals plays an essential role in creating a meditative mood. Soft light can have a calming effect on the mind and create a relaxing atmosphere. Through targeted lighting, certain aspects of the images can be highlighted and a special mood created.
  • Neutral Background: A neutral background when placing murals helps create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. It acts as a kind of canvas on which the images can develop their full effect. Neutral colors such as white, beige or gray provide a calm and unobtrusive backdrop that draws the focus to the images.
Additional elements for a meditative atmosphere

Additional elements for a meditative atmosphere

  • Feng Shui: Placing murals according to the principles of Feng Shui allows us to create a space of calm and balance. Feng Shui teaches us that the orientation and placement of images can influence the flow of energy and create a harmonious environment. Conscious design with Feng Shui helps us create a harmonious environment.
  • Natural materials: Murals made from natural materials exude a natural grace that promotes a meditative mood. The unique texture of wood or the gentle softness of linen give the pictures a special charisma. These natural materials invite us to immerse ourselves in an atmosphere of beauty and serenity.
  • Combination with other elements: Combining murals with other elements such as plants, scented candles or meditation cushions creates a holistic and harmonious atmosphere. The images serve as a visual center, while plants and scented candles fill the room with natural energy and pleasant scents. Meditation cushions provide a comfortable and supportive place for inner practice. The deliberate combination of these elements creates a welcoming environment


We hope that this blog post has given you valuable inspiration and tips on how you can use wall art to create a meditative and relaxing atmosphere in your home. Choosing the right motifs, deliberate color design, placement and arrangement, lighting and background, and additional elements can all come together to create a space of calm and serenity. Experiment, be creative and find the perfect balance for you. Create your own meditative oasis and enjoy the beneficial effect that murals can have in your home.

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