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Sustainability in the production of murals: Taking responsibility for our environment

Find out why sustainability is so important in the production of wall art. Discover the eco-friendly practices and materials that help conserve our resources. Get ready to brighten up your space with intentionally crafted murals.
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When it comes to the design of our rooms, murals play a crucial role. They give our walls personality, create atmosphere and serve as an expression of our individual style. But at a time when protecting our environment is becoming increasingly important, it is essential to also pay attention to sustainability when producing murals. In this blog post, we want to take a closer look at the importance of sustainability in mural production and show you how you can make conscious choices to protect the environment while beautifying your space.

The environmental impact of mural production

The production of murals can have various negative impacts on the environment. Starting with the use of non-sustainable materials such as chemicals and plastics, to overusing resources and wasting energy. The printing process itself can require a significant amount of energy and water. The transport and packaging of the murals can also lead to CO2 emissions and waste. It is therefore of great importance that manufacturers adopt environmentally conscious practices to minimize these negative impacts.

Sustainable materials and production practices

Fortunately, today there are a variety of sustainable materials and production practices that can be used in mural production. An example of this is the use of environmentally friendly, water-based inks that do not contain any harmful chemicals. In addition, recyclable materials such as recycled paper and wood from sustainable forestry can be used. The reduction of energy and water consumption during the printing process and the use of renewable energies also contribute to sustainability.

Certifications and Labels

To ensure that murals are actually made sustainably, customers should pay attention to certifications and labels. The most well-known label for environmentally friendly products is the GreenGuard Gold Label. It guarantees that the materials and inks used do not emit harmful emissions and comply with strict environmental standards. The FSC seal for sustainable forestry is also an important criterion when selecting wooden frames for murals.

The role of the customer

As a customer, you have the power to make a conscious choice for sustainably produced murals. Find out about the manufacturing practices and materials used by different suppliers. Ask about certifications and labels and support companies that are committed to sustainability. You can also consider having your murals produced locally or regionally to minimize shipping costs. Every decision counts and contributes to reducing the environmental impact.


The importance of sustainability in the production of murals cannot be underestimated. By choosing environmentally friendly materials, resource-saving production practices and certified products, we can make a positive contribution to our environment. Any space can be decorated with intentionally produced murals without increasing the environmental impact. So, let's take responsibility together and beautify our spaces with sustainable and beautiful murals. It's up to us to make a difference.

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