Tapete entfernen – Tipps für Anfänger

Removing wallpaper – tips for beginners

Is your wallpaper already peeling or wrinkled? Then it's time to replace the old wallpaper with a new product! Otherwise, the risk of mold forming and affecting your health increases.

And let's be honest: new wallpaper has a direct effect on the atmosphere and effect of your rooms. This makes you feel much more comfortable when your gaze wanders over the walls and ceilings.

However, as a complete beginner, you are reluctant to remove your old wallpaper yourself. Because what sounds easy can turn out to be a challenge. In addition, removing the wallpaper takes a lot of time.

With our tips and tricks, you can complete the renovation in no time. Because if you know the right tricks, you can avoid the typical beginner mistakes and prevent negative moods such as anger or annoyance. In the following article you will find out how to remove old wallpaper, which home remedies will make your work easier and how to deal with special surfaces such as plasterboard!

Basics of wallpaper removal

Do you want to remove your wallpaper? Before you get to work and remove your wallpaper, you should check what type of wallpaper it is. The reason: Depending on the type of wallpaper, various tools are used.

You can easily and conveniently eliminate removable wallpaper. Because these were specifically designed for frequent renovations. You can remove conventional wallpaper such as woodchip wallpaper with water and a sponge. You will also need a bucket, dishwashing liquid or wallpaper remover, a spatula and a broom handle.

In damp rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom, there is a high chance that water-repellent wallpaper such as vinyl wallpaper will be used. These have a water-repellent plastic coating and do not get moldy as quickly as conventional wallpapers. In this case, you will need a spiked or needle roller.

What is the best way to remove wallpaper?

The cat scratches the wallpaper , the little puppy urinates on the wall and the hamster takes a liking to the wallpaper paper. As a pet owner, you are often annoyed by your pets' behavior. Sooner or later it will be time to choose new wallpaper and replace the old wall hangings.

But how do you remove your wallpaper correctly? Before you take action, you should follow the key preparation steps. These are for your own safety.

First, turn off the power and unscrew the sockets and baseboards . This way you protect them from moisture. Alternatively, you can also cover the power connections and strips.

Then fill the bucket with lukewarm water and add a splash of dish soap. Now dip your sponge into the liquid. If you can't find a sponge, you can use a clean paint roller with a clear conscience.

Moisten the wallpaper by running the wet sponge over the walls and ceilings for about 30 minutes . Repeat this until the wallpaper is completely soaked. You can tell that the wall has absorbed enough water when it turns dark.

A tip: If you invest enough time in soaking the wallpaper, you can easily remove it later. Impatient hobby craftsmen, on the other hand, are rewarded with stubborn wallpaper residues that cost strength and energy. In the worst case scenario, you will have to repeat the soaking step.

The wet wallpaper can now be removed with the help of a spatula . To do this, lift the corners of the wallpaper and peel off the strips piece by piece. In the case of coated wallpaper, you can use a needle or spiked roller. Use this to move over the strips of wallpaper and create holes.

Once all of the wallpaper and residue has been removed, turn your attention to the wall. Fill unevenness such as holes and cracks with filler.

What home remedies can you use to remove wallpaper?

The good news first: You have to allow time and patience to remove your wallpaper. But you can safely avoid expensive special products from the hardware store. Cheap home remedies are ideal for removing your wallpaper.

Conventional dishwashing liquid, for example, is considered effective. You mix this with tap water. The soapy water softens the adhesive so that the wallpaper comes off.

You can also use fabric softener . You add this to the tap water. Dip a wallpaper roller into the mixture and apply the mixture over a large area.

Furthermore , vinegar not only works well for cleaning surfaces and furniture, but also removes old wallpaper quickly and easily from the wall. Mix three cups of vinegar with 10 liters of tap water and apply the mix to the wallpaper with a sponge. The smell disappears in no time.

Another insider tip: There is also a conventional glass cleaner in a practical spray bottle dissolves adhesive. That's why you can also use the all-rounder to remove wallpaper. However, the cleaner should be left on for at least 30 minutes.

What is a wallpaper remover?

Alternatively, you can use a wallpaper remover made from water and surfactants. The latter cause the components of the wallpaper glue to dissolve. The wallpaper remover is suitable, for example, for non-woven wallpaper.

It is important that you keep all windows and doors open to protect your respiratory system. Ideally, you wear a mask and gloves . Apply the wallpaper remover and adhere to the exposure time specified by the manufacturer.

How long do you have to soak wallpaper?

Soaked wallpaper usually takes 20 to 30 minutes until the first pieces of wallpaper come off the wall. That's why you should keep this time before you start checking the wallpaper corners. Stubborn wallpapers, on the other hand, should be soaked for longer or even re-treated once or twice.

Special situations, special measures

Extraordinary situations require extraordinary measures. This also applies to wallpaper such as vinyl wallpaper. These are often not easy to remove, which is why renovation takes a lot of time. But how do you manage to replace stubborn wallpaper?

How can I remove stubborn wallpaper?

Paper wallpaper is easy to remove. Because these models absorb the water that is applied and then detach themselves from the wall shortly afterwards. This does not apply to special wallpapers such as water-repellent items . The plastic layer skillfully prevents water from penetrating the material beneath the coating.

The miracle weapon: a steam cleaner. You usually use this to clean and disinfect the floors. But the device also achieves optimal results when removing wallpaper. First run the nail roller over the wallpaper. This is how you break these up.

Set the steam cleaner to the highest setting and run the model over the wallpaper strips. The heat causes the wallpaper to come off piece by piece. You also use a spatula to remove the residue and the layer of paste.

How do I get the wallpaper off the plasterboard?

Admittedly, it's exasperating. You follow all the tips and tricks and the wallpaper simply won't come off the wall. To eliminate the problem, you should first deal with the construction of a plasterboard . This usually consists of plasterboard and cardboard. The wallpaper sticks to a layer of cardboard and bonds to the surface.

The first step is to check what surface it is. If this absorbs water, you can moisten the plasterboard. If the water doesn't penetrate, roughen the surface with a wallpaper hedgehog . Then you coat the wall with water or treat it with a steam cleaner. Try to remove the wallpaper afterwards. The room climate should be around 12 to 18 degrees. The heating is switched off.

How do I get the wallpaper off the ceiling?

Have you already removed the wallpaper on the walls? Then you turn your attention to the blankets. But don't worry! Here you proceed in the same way as with the walls . So you moisten the wallpaper with an agent of your choice and adhere to the manufacturer's exposure time. Then you remove the wallpaper with the spatula. Alternatively, you can use the steam cleaner.


Can wallpaper be removed with a hedgehog roller?

You use the hedgehog roller on plasterboard. This way you avoid scratches.

Can you remove wallpaper and then paint it?

Painting on the plaster is only permitted if the landlord agrees. Homeowners, on the other hand, are free to decide whether to paint the wall or install new wallpaper first.

Can the landlord request that wallpaper be removed from the wall?

The landlord may not require the tenant to remove the wallpaper or install new wallpaper.

The conclusion – self is the man or the woman

If you want to replace your old wallpaper with new wallpaper, you don't have to hire a specialist company. Because with the right tips, you can remove the wallpaper on your own.

To do this, use household remedies such as dishwashing liquid and mix them with tap water. Then apply the mixture one strip of wallpaper at a time and wait about 30 minutes. Then use a wallpaper scraper to remove the layers of wallpaper.

You can remove stubborn wallpaper with the help of a steam cleaner and a roller. If you have a surface such as plasterboard, you can use a hedgehog roller. This will ensure you don't damage the plate.

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